Light Collective won Lux Person of the Year!

Sharon Stammers and Martin Lupton won Lux Person of the Year at Lux Awards 2019. They praised by the judges for their Women in Lighting initiative, whose aim is to promote the passion and achievements of women working in lighting design.
“I didn’t attend LuxLive or the Lux Awards, but I was so pleased to see the acknowledgement of Sharon & Martin’s contribution to our industry. Their wit, humour and creativity has been consistently of the highest order!
And, they’re just really nice people.”
“Massive congratulations to two of the loveliest people in lighting, Sharon Stammers and Martin Lupton for collecting Lux Persons of the Year 2019 at last nights Lux Awards! Thoroughly well deserved for all you bring to the industry - thank you for being you! Well done!”
“So deserving, they have made such a huge impact in the last year, dramatically changing the landscape of the lighting industry. Well done Sharon and Martin.”
“So well deserved!! I love the work you guys do. Light activists is a perfect term ”
“Simply the best… And thank you for all you do for us both individually and as a community… ”
“Light Collective UK, Sharon Stammers and Martin Lupton you are an inspiration to lighting designers the world over.
You embrace and stand for every value that the words ‘lighting design community’ mean in the truest sense of the word.
Your recognising and empowering of women through your Women in Design Initiative is a huge force for change that is gathering momentum and which has my full support.
I was so glad that I was in attendance to see you both receive The Lux Awards Lighting Personality Award which is richly deserved!
I will wear glitter on my face in unity with you guys ANY day of the week. Hats off to you guys!”
“Truly deserving winners especially for their WIL initiative…justice is finally served! Kudos to Lux Awards for awarding the deserving candidates… unlike another award that only hands out awards to its favourites…”